Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This Week Offers Not One, but Two Programs!

Hi Photo Fans,

We hope you will be able to join us for one (or both) of the programs we have scheduled at Central Library this week.

The first is on Wednesday, Feb. 15th at 12:15pm in Meeting Room A. Beth Ann Guynn, curator of the exhibition,"A Nation Emerges: The Mexcian Revolution Revealed," (Central Library, Getty Gallery September 8, 2011–June 3, 2012), discusses the emerging practice of photojournalism during the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920). Please feel free to bring your lunch. Free and open to the public.

Our second program is on Saturday, Feb 18th at 2:00pm in the Taper Auditorium. The early days of silent cinema included more than just films. Join Galen Wilkes as he reveals the fascinating story of the Illustrated Song - once a standard on the program. Featuring a vocal performance by Miss Tyler Azleton! History, humor, and censored material! Free and open to the public. Pre-show at 1:30 p.m.

Hope to see you there!